FUE System

ATERA FUE is a revolutionary and state-of-the-art system of hair restoration methods. This procedure provides permanent, natural, and subtle hair transplant results.

ATERA FUE is a digital device that represents the most advanced hair transplantation technology. It uses patented technology to create undetectable, natural-looking results.

The ergonomic design of ATERA FUE provides hair doctors with better control and precision. The sterile irrigation flush preserves the viability of each graft.

A surgical punch allows the doctor to determine the diameter and depth of extractions. Using ATERA ensures that the harvesting process will be flawless and safe, without any pain or discomfort.

Don't Lose Your
Confidence With Hair Loss

Your self-esteem can be hard to find when you first lose your hair. Some may preemptively shave their heads. Others may turn to wearing hats.

Let Dr. Golio of The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey help you. He specializes in bringing you the latest innovations in hair restoration. Dr. Golio can stave off your balding hair by using ATERA FUE treatments specific to your needs.

Each person has a unique hair loss problem, and no one-size-fits-all solution exists for hair transplants. We offer top hair restoration that is customizable for your needs.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation with The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey. Work with Dr. Golio to plan your hair restoration and benefit from this accomplished professional who is versed in all forms of hair transplant surgery.

About ATERA FUE Hair Transplants in New Jersey

Hair loss is a common and often embarrassing problem for people of all genders. Traditionally, hair transplants required invasive surgical methods. Usually, it leaves linear scars on the scalp. Today’s FUE hair transplant method has changed this process. ATERA FUE hair transplants are less damaging. Moreover, the results are more natural-looking, with no visible scarring at recovery time.

Previously, hair transplants required aggressive surgery, which permanently scarred recipients’ scalps. However, modern techniques such as follicular extractions have solved these problems without leaving any evidence behind after treatment.

What Is an ATERA FUE Hair Transplant?

Hair transplants started in the 1950s with Dr. Orentreich, who used 4-millimeter “punches” to transplant hair. This procedure evolved in 1990 with surgical strip introduction. Unfortunately, this hair restoration left scars that can cause problems for those who want short haircuts.

What Is a Follicular Unit?

A follicular unit refers to one to three viable hair follicles harvested from the donor area. The donor area is an area in the scalp with vibrant growth of hair. Usually, these areas are from the side or back of the head.

During an FUE hair transplant, our surgeon uses a punch device instrument to extract individual follicles. For mega FUE sessions, the device can harvest small groups of the follicular unit in one go.

At the same time, FUE leaves the surrounding tissue intact as possible for maximum survivability and long-term viability. Surgeons carefully and gently extract these units to keep them alive. On top of that, this device keeps the hair grafts moisturized until transplanted.

With an FUE hair transplant, the procedure must be precise and thorough. That is why our technicians use the latest, greatest technology available today.

What's Involved With

ATERA FUE is a digital device used to scan the landscape of your follicles. It selects the healthiest specimens from your donor site. More importantly, the ATERA system also identifies the proper placement for your transplanted hair while helping to plant the follicles precisely and giving them a new lease on life at the site where your hair is thinning or balding.

When it comes to surgery, ATERA FUE is minimally invasive. The procedure uses tiny punch marks to insert grafts of hair. Although it may sound microscopic, these grafts can make a big difference in the look and feel of your new hairstyle. What’s more, the ATERA FUE has variable size follicles to enable hair transplant doctors to select the right punch for clients’ needs.

Benefits of ATERA FUE Hair

ATERA FUE hair restoration is a lasting solution to hair loss. Are you searching for a long-term, safe, and effective way to restore your hair? Then, this procedure might suit you.

ATERA FUE hair restoration offers the best option for men and women who have balding problems. The procedure can also help those who suffer from alopecia areata.

With the help of a digital graft counter, a technician harvests precise hair grafts. During the extraction, the roots of hair follicles get lubricated until implantation occurs. ATERA FUE Restoration has two separate tubings: one for lubrication and one for graft suction.

The procedure is much faster and more efficient than other FUE systems while providing natural results. Because it is minimally invasive, ATERA FUE leaves little to no scarring and requires only simple aftercare. Recovery is quick and results last a long time.

The ATERA FUE Hair transplant offers minimal risk and is effective to use on tight scalps. In addition, the procedure is more comfortable than a FUT hair transplant.

Candidates for ATERA FUE
Hair Restoration

Do you want to know if you are a good candidate for ATERA FUE Hair Restoration? Anyone who experiences a form of unwanted hair loss can be a candidate. Thus, individuals should seriously consider the benefits ATERA FUE has to offer. This procedure gives people dealing with all types of hair loss an opportunity to get their locks back. Aside from treating hair loss problems, ATERA FUE can also treat curly hair for certain clients.

ATERA FUE can also treat common types of hair
loss such as the following

  • Top Balding hair
  • Thin hair at natural lines.
  • Bald spots.
  • High level of stress.
  • Medication treatments.
  • Full-body hair loss problem
  • Genes characteristics.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Hairstyles.
  • Hereditary characteristics.
  • Drugs
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Your Personal New Jersey Hair Restoration Consultation

At The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey, we know that communication is essential to building relationships. That is why Dr. Golio meets with all new clients to conduct initial consultations personally. He believes that experience forms a necessary part of all successful hair transplant surgeries.

Expert Care, Hair Transplant Precision Process

A follicular extraction is a precise process that requires a knowledgeable hand. More importantly, it needs an understanding disposition.

Dr. Golio personally selects the technicians to perform this procedure. The team must have an average of 10 years of experience in performing hair grafts. You can be assured that you’ll get the high-quality expert care that you deserve.

During the consultation, our doctors will go over your medical history and your hair loss problem. Also, you can discuss how you want your head to look after the hair restoration procedure. Together, you will both arrive at a customized strategic plan that matches your goals.

To begin your hair restoration journey in achieving a lush head of hair, contact us today. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Golio. Alternatively, you can call The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey clinic.

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Outstanding New Jersey Hair Restoration: The Preparation and Procedure

Dr. Golio will talk to you about what you need to do before your hair transplant. He will advise you to refrain from smoking a week before the hair transplant to ensure the best results.

The ATERA FUE system is an advanced way to harvest hair grafts. It combines both manual and mechanical extraction methods of FUE hair transplants precisely.

During the first consultation, our doctor will determine the grafts needed to achieve the desired results. The time it takes to do the surgery depends on how many grafts are required. Usually, the hair transplant procedure lasts from morning until the afternoon of the same day.

The ATERA FUE system moisturizes each follicular unit during the harvesting process to keep the hair follicles primed for grafting and optimize the process. Additionally, the ATERA FUE system offers three different punch sizes and provides an adaptive solution to your specific case compared to other systems.

The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey clinic is home to the only ATERA FUE system in all of New Jersey.

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How Do We Do It?

Our New Jersey hair restoration team will trim the donor area on the back of the head.

They will administer local anesthesia over the donor area.

Next, the team will extract hair follicles from the donor area using micropunches under three to five times magnification.

Afterward, the ATERA collection system will deposit them into a staging area.

The system will digitally count the number of harvested units. At the same time, it keeps them in a moist and cooled optimal state for grafting.

Our hair transplant experts will carefully graft the extracted hair onto the desired area.


Usually, most patients can return to work the day after their surgery. They can also resume complete activities without any restrictions.

Our doctor also recommends following the hair transplant post-op instructions. You need to take care of your scalp correctly during this time to avoid infection or excessive scarring, which could cause further complications.

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Hair transplants are an excellent solution for hair loss problems. ATERA FUE offers phenomenal results in recreating natural-looking hair.

Dr. Golio has been able to create many successful transplants that have turned heads and changed lives. In a study, random audiences responded to a survey about the perception of transplant recipients. The participants are younger and more attractive after the procedure. ATERA FUE’s phenomenal results can create this perception, offering results that are entirely distinguishable from other methods such as traditional strip-harvesting techniques.

The work done by ATERA FUE shows how one’s appearance changes dramatically after the procedure. And it increases the success rate for those who undergo hair transplant surgery.

Efficient Ways to Complement ATERA FUE

Technology has finally made hair restoration simple. The ATERA FUE system is by far one of the most advanced technologies. But to get even better results, you can make a few lifestyle choices to help your treatments be more effective. These easy-to-implement behaviors have proven themselves for maximum effectiveness out of ATERA FUE treatments.

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A Healthy Lifestyle for Better ATERA FUE Results

Practice the following healthy lifestyle habits to achieve better results from ATERA FUE.


Your diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables to have the best hair possible. You will also need a good amount of protein for your hair to grow out strong and healthy. Don’t forget vitamins as well to help with health issues such as hair growth or maintenance.


To ensure your body gets all the nutrients needed, you need to supplement your healthy diet with vitamins. Supplementing with the right type of vitamin can ensure an abundant flow of nutrients for your skin and body, which is crucial for getting beautiful curls without breaking out or having fluffy-looking strands.

Vitamin A helps produce melanin which creates pigment that gives skin its natural color. Vitamin C produces collagen for stronger nails and bones and strengthens blood vessels to aid oxygen circulation.

Additionally, vitamin C protects the cells from oxidative stress due to air pollution or cigarette smoke, promotes healing after an injury by reducing inflammation, and boosts immunity against colds.

Iron improves mental alertness along with relieving tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B, zinc, and selenium are also essential contributors to healthier hair growth and maintenance.


Washing your hair is an essential part of good hygiene. However, you need to take the time to do it correctly.

Check the labels on hair care bottles. Make sure the products are free from artificial chemicals. You don’t want to put all this effort into washing only for the harsh ingredients in these products. You should also frequently wash your hair with an all-natural shampoo.

Gentle Hair Styling

Tightly styled hair can cause excessive shedding. You should avoid these types of styles if possible for your follicles to recuperate. If not, then do them sparingly so that they don’t leave behind any lasting damage to your precious hair.


Do you suffer from thinning or receding hairlines?

Our team at the Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey can help treat this condition with natural remedies. Each day, massaging your head will provide relief and encourage healthier skin production around the crown area, where most people lose their locks first. These parts of the body often do not receive enough TLC due to tough day jobs such as commuting and sitting behind desks all day long.

Do you massage your hair? If not, why not start now? It cannot hurt your scalp, and it may help you maintain thicker hair. While the idea of a massage to fix balding is just that — an idea — some evidence suggests that massages are beneficial for healthy scalps.

Massage is a great way to keep your hair healthy. Regular scalp massage can help maintain thicker hair. There’s no reason not to try it if you want healthier locks.


The cost of an ATERA FUE hair transplant procedure is dependent on many factors. Hence, no two patterns are exactly alike. To assess how much the process will be, we must consider your unique needs and our services.

If you want to restore a full head, or even just part of it, our assessments are personalized and customized for each person’s needs.

Price Per Graft
FUE vs. FUT Hair Transplant Cost Analysis
Levels of Hair Care Costs
Mild to Moderate Cost: Topical Treatments
Comprehensive Care: FUE

Price Per Graft

The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey charges on a per-graft basis. When you compare this amount to a clinic, this cost saves you a remarkable amount of money.

Our prices are affordable and we offer 0% financing.

FUE vs. FUT Hair Transplant Cost Analysis

The FUT hair transplant technique is also known as “strip” harvesting. This method removes more significant swaths of skin and can lead to linear scars. However, the ATERA FUE approach only takes a small number of grafts. 

FUT can produce linear scarring on areas where hair gets harvested. This scarring may limit its benefits in some cases for those who are concerned about the appearance or their self-esteem from surgery. 

Levels of Hair Care Costs

The severity of your hair loss will determine the cost of any type of hair restoration treatment. Dr. Golio offers a variety of solutions to regrow thinning hair that can work within most budgets and achieve significant results. 

Mild to Moderate Cost: Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are often the first line of defense against hair loss. Dr. Golio may prescribe finasteride, better known by its brand name Propecia. He may also suggest minoxidil (Rogaine) when topical treatment is insufficient in stemming your scalp’s decline to baldness. These over-the-counter prescription drugs are proven safe and effective for men and women. 

Comprehensive Care: FUE

When topical creams prove to be insufficient in preventing balding or excessive thinning from progressing, then FUE may be your path. Dr. Golio will suggest follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUE is more cost-efficient when taken into consideration over a long period. It can be cheaper than purchasing continual treatments such as topicals. 

Dr. Golio’s clients who pursue FUE procedures experience many benefits. Healthy cells can flourish when hair grows in the desired area.

FUE allows your healthy cells to flourish in the new follicles that will grow where you want them. You don’t need topical treatments or laser therapy.

Benefits of Hair Restoration in New Jersey

Dr. Golio is New Jersey’s premier hair restoration surgeon, providing outstanding results that are optimal for each patient. He focuses on what’s best for patients and offers all proven surgical methods and treatment therapies available.

Here at The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey, we want to make it easy for you to pay for a hair transplant. That’s why we offer reasonable and competitive pricing methods. Moreover, we offer 0% financing, so you don’t need to worry about paying for the procedure. We can also maximize and minimize the number of grafts required by using the most advanced technology available today.

Once we know how many grafts will be needed, Dr. Golio will charge per graft for FUE procedures. Then, he uses uses the most optimal FUE method during the procedure that will enhance your results.

Are you looking for honest, straightforward pricing for FUE? Search no further. The Hair Transplant Center – New Jersey calls Bergen County home. We offer extensive experience serving the New Jersey area. Additionally, we provide remote consultations that will best suit your lifestyle and schedule.

Contact us online or call us at 201-716-1903 to schedule a consultation. Explore our website further for more information.

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